Reasons For Hair Loss

  • You are standing in front of the mirror and as you run the brush through your hair, it comes out with strands of hair attached to it. That moment is perhaps the most scary and depressing in your life. 
  • It stresses a lot of people and both men and women are victims to it. Lately, hair loss or Alopecia has been on the rise among many men and women aged between 18 and 40. 
  • The gradual thinning of hair and its eventual fall as clumps send shockwaves through your body. But that is not a cause of concern or panic anymore because science has got an answer and YCDC has got the best solution to treat it. 
  • Most of the time, hair loss occurs based on the condition of physical or emotional well-being but there is enough help available at YCDC to take care of that.

Genetic Hair Loss in Men

  • The two types of hair loss seen among men is hair thinning known as Alopecia and Balding known as Androgenetic Alopecia which is caused primarily due to hormones and genes.
  • Balding usually begins at the sides of both temples and eventually the hairline recedes to form a ‘M’ shape.
  • Simultaneously, the hair also begins to thin at the crown (top of the head) and it lands into partial or complete baldness.

Genetic Hair Loss in Women

  • Balding is a common phenomenon in women as well and it is otherwise called as Androgenetic Alopecia. Studies reveal that nearly 40% of women tend to show signs of balding when they reach the age of 50.
  • Hair thinning is of different types such as hair shedding or reduction of hair volume or a combination of both.
  • Genetic hair loss is also linked to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which leads to excess body hair, weight gain and irregular menstruation but in reality, it is caused mainly by the hormonal imbalance.


Diffuse Hair Loss (telogen effluvium)

  • Telogen Effluvium is that hair condition which leads to typical reduction of pony tail volume and excessive hair shedding.
  • This is a temporary hair loss which occurs due to diffuse shedding of resting hair when a body experiences a shock.
  • When such a thing happens, an individual tends to lose nearly 100-125 hairs per day. Due to this, nearly 70% of active hair also known as Anagen hair gets into the zone of resting hair known as telogen hair which results in a sizeable quantity of hair being pushed out of the scalp.

Patchy Hair Loss (alopecia areata)

  • This is another hair condition where hair falls in round patches.
  • This is usually found on the scalp or sometimes on the body but this is not contagious.
  • This is caused due to an abnormality in the immune system and the hair follicles get attacked which leads to hair loss.

Causes For Temporary Hair Fall

  • You may not be aware of this but on a daily basis about 100-125 hairs are lost and in the event of any shock to the body then it can go up to 300 hairs.
  • Some of the precipitating factors are prolonged illness such as infection or high fever, thyroid hormone disorder, certain oral medications, nutrient deficiency such as iron, vitamin B12; scalp infection, pregnancy, stress, menopause, hormonal imbalance, harsh chemical and physical treatments such as hair colouring, straightening, lengthening.

Hair Loss Treatment Options at YCDC

  • Prior to ascertaining the mode of treatment, our team of specialists undertakes a thorough examining of your case with analysis on your medical and familial background.
  • Once the cause of hair fall is is identified, the appropriate treatment process is developed exclusively for you.There are two modes of treatment:
    •  Medical
    • Topical Solution

Oral Medication

  • Oral Medication This involves multivitamins which are useful for hair growth and overall health. Vitamins such as Iron, Vitamin B12, Selenium, Copper, Calcium,
  • Biotin can help prevent hair fall and also ensure your hair becomes soft, shiny and thick.
  • The other form is Finasteride which is used primarily to treat genetic hair loss among men and women. This focuses on reducing the amount of androgens which leads to increased hair growth and slow the process of hair loss. It ensures that hair growth on other parts of the body doesn’t get affected.

Topical Solution

  • Non Surgical
  • Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
  • Hair Transplantation
  • FUT
  • FUE


  • This is an effective form of treatment from YCDC which works towards stimulating the hair growth and slowdown the process of balding.
  • This is meant for those who are under the age of 40 and the hair loss has begun recently.
  • This comes in liquid form or foam formulation. It is to be applied twice on daily basis on the affected area.
  • A minimum of 4 months to 1 year usage is recommended to see appreciating results.

YCDC Hair Revitalizing Lotion

  • This is a unique revitalizing solution which comprises of peptides, amino acids and other hair stimulating nutrients.
  • It works on reducing the hair fall significantly and also provides good strength, nourishment and healthy look to the hair.
  • Based on the guidelines from our expert dermatologists, it must be applied twice a day on the affected area.

Why YCDC for Hair Loss Treatment

  • When a treatment related to hair loss is concerned, it has to be dealt with utmost attention and study. This is the reason why YCDC has become the most popular choice among many. Here, a detailed case analysis is done by our specialists based on thorough scalp examination. This is done using a specialized tool called as Trichoscan.
  • Trichoscan is the first computerized trichogram made available worldwide that calculates hair growth parameters easily and rapidly. Based on the response of those who are suffering from Pattern Alopecia, this enables a precise follow-up of hair densities and much more.
  • Once the details of history and examination findings are collated, we advice you on the perfect treatment option and develop a plan accordingly.