Interesting fact #1: About 1% of the world’s population is born with a mole.
Interesting fact #2: Moles are also more frequent in those with lighter skin.
But, if you have several moles on your body, should you be concerned? Read ahead to know more.
Moles are unsightly dark patches on the skin that you wish would go away so you could have a clear, blemish-free complexion.
They are a few millimeters in diameter and can be flat or elevated. Moles can appear anywhere on your body, in clusters or individually.
Interesting fact #3: An adult human being typically has 15 to 40 moles on their body.
Moles – What Causes Them?
Our skin contains melanocytes, the pigment-producing skin cells, that are equally distributed to shield you from the sun’s damaging rays. When the melanocytes gather together in one location on your skin, moles form.
This gathering of melanocytes is caused by a mutation in the BRAF gene. Factors such as sun exposure or hormonal changes such as those experienced during pregnancy can cause the production of new moles or affect the shape or color of the existing ones.
Moles may be classified into several categories based on how they are formed and their qualities.
Types Of Moles
Congenital Moles
These moles have been present on the body since birth, as the name implies. Most of them are harmless but may increase in size or color as the child develops. Some studies have connected larger congenital moles to a higher chance of acquiring skin cancer.
Acquired Moles
These are common moles that occur after birth on the body. These are more common in those with lighter skin tones or red hair. Though these are harmless, individuals with more than 50 common moles are more likely to develop melanoma, a cancer caused by unregulated melanocyte proliferation.
Atypical Moles
These moles, also known as dysplastic nevi, are generally irregular in form and might resemble melanomas. They generally have an uneven form and are only one color and can appear anywhere in the body. However, you may keep an eye on them for any changes in form or color.
Spitz Nevi
These dome-shaped, pink or brown in color moles are more frequent in young people under the age of 20. They grow quickly up to 1 cm in size and may burst open producing bleeding sometimes. Because its appearance is similar to that of a melanoma, it is best to get it evaluated.
What Is Mole Removal?
Mole removal aims at totally eliminating moles from the skin leaving a smooth finish. We can safely remove moles from any site using a number of ways. By using a local anesthetic, this procedure becomes painless, and there is no downtime during recovery.
The majority of moles are harmless and do not require treatment. However, if the mole causes you discomfort, itching, or bleeding, a dermatologist would be able to recommend the best treatment choice for you.
Types of Treatments
Surgical Removal
If the doctor suspects that the mole might develop into skin cancer, the mole will be surgically removed.
Laser Treatment
Professional laser treatment can lighten the look of a mole. However, it may take several sessions to see apparent improvements.
Shave excision
Here, a surgical blade is used to shave the mole, and the cells are submitted for biopsy to rule out any cancers.
This is done by spraying liquid nitrogen on the mole to freeze the cells that cause pigmentation. Blisters can form as a result of freezing, although they normally heal on their own.
You may consider mole removal if you’re unhappy with its appearance or are afraid that an oddly shaped or colored mole might be malignant. Regardless of the age, skin type, or skin tone, most patients find this treatment choice to be safe and effective.
People have benefited from the rapid, painless mole removal with no downtime and a simple, speedy recovery. It’s always recommended to consult a dermatologist to determine whether this therapy is suitable for you.